We are able to cater for any special dietary requirements, likes and dislikes.
On admission we will take details of any dietary preferences which is then given to the kitchen.
On admission we will take details of any dietary preferences which is then given to the kitchen.
If there is something different you fancy, just let us know. If we don’t have it in our well stocked kitchen, we’ll do our best to get it.
Drinks and snacks are available at all times and there is always plenty of home made cakes available.
We do understand that often, with age, and especially with dementia, appetite may lessen. With that in mind, our kitchen staff are well trained in providing fortifying foods.
Residents choose where they wish to eat their meals, whether they prefer to eat alone in their room or with company in the dining room – or even outside if the sun is shining. Assistance can be given with meals if this is required.