Well I think we can say winter is officially here!
There’s nothing like a beautiful dusting of snow to get us all in the Christmas spirit and here at Meadows Edge Christmas is definitely getting well on the way.
All our Christmas decorations are now up and it is looking fabulous, Also our Christmas raffle tickets are now on sale. £1 a strip (all proceeds go to the residents fund) there are some lovely prizes and don’t forget the superb Christmas hamper, so don’t forget to buy your tickets at the office.

Entertainment and Activities.
November has been a busy month for us here. The residents really enjoyed their Bonfire Night Party, where they had some lovely food and lots of fun, singing and dancing together with our new karaoke machine.
This month we have also enjoyed flower arranging, bingo, skittles, the beanbag target game, football, manicures, quizzes, sensory activities, the fit and Fabulous exercise class, arts and crafts and much more.
In our weekly Knit and Natter club we have been learning a new stitch called the Spring stitch.
And in arts and crafts we made and decorated poppy’s for Remembrance day and then towards the end of the month we decided to get into the festive spirit by making Christmas cards, decorations and the good old paper chain!
Residents corner
This month we would like wish Joan Chapman a very happy birthday!
We would also like to give a very warm welcome to our new residents John, Herbert, Maureen and Alan.
Staff News
We would also like to give a very warm welcome to our new carers Kristina, Elvira and Sue. And our new deputy manager and nurse Vicki.
Things to look forward too.
We have lots of festivities going on in December so here’s a couple of dates for the diary.
8th December Residents Christmas party! Everyone is invited, friends, families, neighbours, children. Come and join us for fun, food, friends and festivities! Lots of games to play and carols to be sung, so come and join in with the christmassy fun! From 1pm
15th December is national Christmas jumper day! So all our staff will be wearing their Christmas jumpers to work and the proceeds will be going to a dementia charity!
22nd December Billy Martin our singer/entertainer will be coming in and doing a special Christmas show for the residents. Also Christmas raffle will be drawn in the afternoon.
We hope you stay warm and cosy over this Christmas period and from everyone here at Meadows Edge Merry Christmas and a happy New year!

Once again, thank you,
Becky Fisher